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Congratulations your Graduation and receiving your your degree, through your hard work you have achieved the next milestone in your life and ts one that should be celebrated with your family.
Due to the pandemic , your graduation ceremony would have been cancelled and you would not have had the opportunity to have your professional graduation portrait taken,  but we can help with that.

We have many years of Graduation Portraits in our studio in Crayford
and provide a choice of poses, both individually and as a family.
With our services, we can provide a Gown, Mortarboard and Sash of your
University (at a small extra charge) alternatively you can provide your own
ceremonial clothing.
You may also bring, Parents, grandparents and siblings to your session.
So they may be part of celibrating your ahivement.
We will only be carrying out one graduation portrait per day so that it gives us
time to keep the clothing and studio, cleaned and sanitized for the safety of our cilents and staff.
You have worked hard for your degree and we aim that your graduation session will one that you will remember for years.We aim for you to have a fun, relaxed and totally stress free time.
Once you have registered we contact you direct to book your session, and you can make your appointment for you along with discussing all your requirements. As you can imagine, demand is very high and we will also give you the next available dates you can book. We operate on a first deposit, first booked bases, so early booking is advisable.

If you would like to book you private fast track Graduation Portrait please call 01322-529950 or complete the enquiry form below and we will call you back.
Contact Form

Thank you for asking about our Graduation Portraits, Tracey or Les will contact you shortly or you can call 01322-529950 for a quicker response.

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